Traditional Kung Fu supports the healthy development of a child in a holistic way. In children's training, fighting or self-defence is not always the first priority. The child-oriented training in Kung Fu also teaches essential skills and abilities that serve the development of a healthy, honest and responsible person.
This includes a physical, psychological and social level:
- Concentration and stamina,
- Coordination and body control,
- Self-confidence and self-esteem,
- Fairness and peacefulness,
- Serenity and humor,
- Dscipline and mindfulness as well as appreciation and respect.
Cultivation of body and mind
As the name martial art suggests, the focus of the methods and objectives used in Kung Fu is not the realisation of a "sporting career". Rather, traditional Kung Fu is - in short - an ancient Chinese skill that has been handed down and proven for centuries to cultivate body and mind in the best possible way.
In traditional martial arts, learning to fight in the original way plays a prominent role. If this were not the case, one would probably have to speak of a traditional art of movement.
Therefore, the children learn in our classes how to defend themselves effectively against attacks and how to realistically assess the threat of a situation. There are natural, physical limits to children's ability to defend themselves, which are constantly expanded with increasing age through regular training.
Concentration and body control thereby enable an equally continuous growth in self-awareness and self-confidence in one's own abilities as well as judgement.
In the children's training we also attach great importance to teaching mindfulness and appreciation in order to ensure a responsible approach to what is learned.

The Kids Kung Fu Team

Das Kindertraining in Salzburg wird geleitet von Dennis Spies und seinem Assistenten FraGue.
Dennis ist der Sohn von Sifu Jau Chi Hang, dem Meister der Academy.
Seit seinem 5 Lebensjahr lernte er direkt bei seinem Vater und wurde von diesem im Hung Sing Choy Lay Fut sowie dem weltbekannten Hung Kuen Kung Fu der Lau Familie unterrichtet. Dennis erhielt außerdem exklusiven Zugang zu „Inner Circle“ Seminaren und Schulungen bei Großmeister Lau Kar Jung.
Dennis assistiert und unterrichtet in den Kung Fu Schulen seines Vaters seit seiner frühen Jugend. Inzwischen leitet er seit einigen Jahren selbständig und erfolgreich eine Zweigstelle der Fu Pau Kung Fu Schools Germany in Traunstein und bereitet sich durch intensives Studium der Kampfkünste auf die Übernahme aller Kung Fu Schulen seines Vaters vor.
FraGue Moser-Kindler hatte seinen ersten Kontakt mit Kampfkunst im Kindesalter durch Judo, wo er heute den 1. Dan trägt.
Als einer der ersten Schüler an der International Lau Family Hung Kuen Kung Fu Academy in Salzburg assistiert er seit längerem im Kung Fu Kids Unterricht der Academy.
Mit über 15 Jahren als Breakdance-Lehrer bringt er zudem seine umfassende Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit Kindern in den Unterricht ein.

free trial training
To arrange a free trial training for your child at our Kung Fu Academy, please write to us via the contact form or call us on
+43 (0)681 / 81 81 86 90
Alternatively, you can simply drop by without obligation on one of the two training days for Kung Fu Kids (Mondays or Thursdays) at the Academy on Mirabellplatz during the class times listed below.